The Church is unstoppable- By Pastor Femi Leke

Ephesian 5:20 talks about the relationship between husband and wife. Paul said, I am explaining so that you will understand the relationship between the church and Jesus. So the church is the wife of Jesus; so one billion governments cannot stop the church, because if you will stop the church, you will stop Jesus first and grave could not stop Him.

Jesus said, I will build my church and the gate of hell will not stop it. How will it not prevail? It will not prevail because Jesus is a practical Jesus; He is not the one that will give you ambiguous instructions, but He gives you clear way of how to deal with it. The fact that He said the gate of hell will not prevail does not mean the gate of hell will not attempt. So that your challenge is not a new thing, the gate of hell will try to stop you but He has promised you; just like it was impossible for the gate of hell to lock Him more than the accepted time because it is written my soul will not live in hell in (Psalm 22), Jesus stayed on that revelation that my soul will not live in hell: you can crucify me. And he said thou art Peter upon this rock I will build my church and the gate of hell will not prevail against it. So how will I deal with the gate of hell? Then He said I will give you the keys to the kingdom.

So, Jesus is saying don’t look at how big your challenge; but just look for the key, because he who holds the key is in control of the door. So Jesus said don’t worry about the gate that the pit of hell have packaged, all you need is not to weep over that gate, nor weep over that marital challenge but you should look for the keys; because anyone that has the key is the one that will close or open it anytime. So He said I will give unto thee the keys of knowledge.

Don’t assume that you have the key because any area of your life where you are shaking; it simply means the key is missing; don’t pretend. We must understand that it is not how big the key is but how powerful the key is. He said, I will give you the key, but don’t assume you have the key; anywhere you are sweating it means the key is missing, don’t pretend. The key is also the knowledge of the truth or revelation, so that the key He was talking about according to the scripture is the knowledge of the truth or the revelation of the truth. That means knowing what to do at anytime. so any time you know where the key is; you don’t have to cry. The key is not just the revelation; it is applied revelation or wisdom. What is wisdom? Wisdom is laying hold on the key of the kingdom and applying it. It is not enough to have the revelation, you must apply the revelation for it to become a key, that is why it is not every believer or professor of the religion knowledge that has the key.

You can read the bible from Genesis to Revelation and Revelation to Genesis; you know in and out but you lacks the key because he doesn’t have the understanding. So that challenge of your life, there is a key that will burst it, but it is discovering it and applying it. The key is the applied revelation, who then is in charge of the administration of the key?

”I have yet many things to say unto you, but ye cannot bear them now” JOHN 16:12.

Jesus the master, shepherd that laid down His life for the sheep said many things that I want to tell you, but you can’t handle them now. Why? What is the work of the shepherd? To guide. So He said there are some keys that I want to put in your hands but if I put them in your hands it will be a waste until the spirit of truth comes, then you can have this key. The key is the revelation and the administrator of the revelation of the truth is the Holy Spirit. Go for the truth!

 To be continued….

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