God is not a joker, nor is he a comedian. He does not play with His word, and
Are you reigning? By Pst Femi Leke
Rev. 5:12. Saying loudly, “The Lamb that was killed is worthy to get power, wealth, wisdom, strength, honor,
Divine Power for Rest All Around By Pst Femi Leke
We’ve already talked about the fact that peace is real, that the peace of God that passes all
Things to be aware of to have peace by Pst Femi Leke
Things to be aware of to have peace Be aware of diversity: people are not the same. Esau
How to Get to the Root of the Problem By Pst Femi Leke
When destroying something, you must always go to the root and pull it out, and it will be
Understanding the origin of sin
We’ve been examining the redeeming benefits of Jehovah Sikdeno, which translates as our God’s righteousness. When man sinned,
Righteousness Of Faith By Pst Femi Leke
1:26 Genesis [26] And God said, Let us make man in our image, in our likeness, and
Religion breeds pretense. By Femi Leke
Genesis 3:1-7:15 This was the story of man’s Fall, and the answer was likewise in the Fall.
How do I handle interpersonal relationships?
How do I handle interpersonal relationships? Recognize that we are different in nature. As a husband, your wife
Your Relationship with God By Pst Femi Leke
6:9 (Matthew) [9] Therefore, pray in this manner: Our Father, who art in heaven, Hallowed be thy