How do I handle interpersonal relationships?

How do I handle interpersonal relationships?

Recognize that we are different in nature. As a husband, your wife is different. The Bible says a man shall leave his father and mother and cleave to his wife, and they will become one. They were not one before; that means he will have to leave. What does it mean to leave? It means he will have to leave his tradition and his old way of thinking.

Be sensitive to the level and needs of others. If you’re a Christian and you go somewhere and they don’t eat what you don’t eat, you don’t eat it because of their faith. Dress for glory in Rev 5:7-9, where it says he made us kings. We can’t dress any way. Any time you dress, you ask yourself, Can a king dress like this?

Love covers everything, so walk in it.

1 Cor. 13:1-2

Don’t stop walking in love. Love conquers all. God’s wrath didn’t change man, but God’s love did. The Bible says that God so loved the world. Walk in love.

Know your limits. You are not called to overwhelm or control people; not even God will do so; God respects people’s free will.

1:14 (Philemon).

Know your bounds and your boundaries; not even your children should be permitted to pick and make their own choices. As a spouse, Ephesians 5:22-25 specifies your responsibilities.

Look at the larger picture in everything: consider the effect or consequence of your activity; what will happen if you mess up this relationship?

Hebrew 22:2-4.

When making a decision, consider the big picture.

Make the decision not to be offended.

Act 24:16.

He said I exercised. What does that mean? It means you train your mind to advance forgiveness, so that before people offend you, you already forgive them. Offenses stink, but love smells nice. That is advance forgiveness before your wife offends you; you spray love.

Keep your tongue under control.

James 3:1-3.

Watch your words and don’t pick an unword too. Don’t speak carelessly to people. Tame your tongue. How do you tame your tongue? With the word of God. Say what only the word says to you. Let the weak say I am strong, and the poor say I am rich. God said light would be, and there was light. So speak life to your children, because the Bible says the seed of the upright shall be mighty. Don’t use your mind to bring down your destiny. Look at your husband and speak positive words to him and to your wife. God looked at the empty earth and pronounced the word. The Bible says that faith makes it possible to achieve what you desire. He said things that are seen are put in place by things that are not seen. What you see now is a product of what you said yesterday. If you want a good future, begin to speak to it now. Speak to the void earth what you want. The Bible says every tongue that rises against you shall be condemned. He spoke to you, Jeremiah. I have given you the power to plant and to uproot. Who will uproot it for you? You.  Jesus looked at the fig tree and spoke the word, and it withered.

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